Sunday, November 4, 2012

Moving on up!

We haven't posted for a couple of days because nothing has happened. We've been sitting around, enjoying holding Weston, but just waiting for the 'all clear' to get moved upstairs. Once that happened, we were told there wasn't any room for him so we sat another day in the CVICU until yesterday afternoon, around 4:00 we were told we get to go upstairs!

The reason this is so exciting is because it means we are one step closer to going home. Out of the ICU and on our own a little more, but still being monitored. We don't know how long we will be here, that is determined by Weston and how well he does feeding as well as when he gets off the oxygen. He is on 1/16 of a liter for oxygen, but when we try to go off completely he doesn't do as well. We are hoping today to go down to 1/32 and see how he does with that, then maybe wean him off completely. The nurses say it seems like nothing to us, but obviously it helps him just enough to keep his breathing in the 95-100% range, where we want it. This means taking deep breaths and filling his lungs which he eventually needs to do on his own to go home.

Last night went well, Weston didn't nurse a lot, but he slept a lot! Which is a great thing to help him heal and to help him continue to grow. He gets fed through a tube for a couple hours so he is getting lots of nutrition, then they stop that for an hour and let Ellie nurse before feeding him again. Hopefully today that can go to 1.5 hours of feeding and 1.5 hour break to get hungry enough to nurse. We'll see what the doctor says. Again, he has to nurse to go home, so those are our two big goals for the next several days.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support. We are so happy to be moving up in the world and in the right direction towards home. I'll close with a picture of Weston sleeping in my arms yesterday: one of the best things I get to do as a Mom :)

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