Wednesday, August 22, 2012

31 Weeks!

Well, we went back to the U of M today for another fetal echo appointment. The doctor told us the same thing as last time. Delivery will take place at the U of M and surgery for Pip will take place shortly after. We don't know details for either of these things until the date approaches and Pip is born. Still hoping for a natural birth over a C-section but it is too early to determine that. Once he/she is born, they will know if surgery will be immediate or if it will happen within so many hours. (The example the Dr gave is if Pip is born in the evening, they will see if they start surgery then or wait until morning.) Again, as long as Pip stays inside (as close to the due date the better) s/he will be just fine.

We learned that Pip is no longer breech, which is a good thing as long as he or she stays in that position! Is it normal to stay there from now on or not with 9 weeks left....?

The Dr. would like us to switch our care all to the U by the time I reach 34 weeks. This is difficult when it is so far away and they only have appointments from 8-4:30. Ellie has all of her appointments made up to 39 weeks with her regular OB in Monticello, but we're not sure if those will all still happen. She isn't giving them up yet because they did meet with another nurse who specializes in helping families and she was more hopeful the regular OB will be able to see me longer and share the information so we don't have to take so much time off before Pip arrives.

We did get some of our questions answered, but still have some yet to be answered when we go back and/or have to wait and see once Pip comes. We go back at 34 weeks to get a tour of the NICU, have another fetal echo, and another level 2 ultra sound. They just want to double check everything else looks good like the kidneys, brain, spine, ect.

One big piece of information we learned is that Pip will be in the hospital for a minimum of 2 weeks after surgery.

Feel free to keep praying :)

Sunday, August 5, 2012


I thought I would start this blog to keep friends and family updated about Pip. 

Pip is due October 23, 2012.
We do not know if Pip is a boy or a girl, and won't be finding out until s/he makes his or her appearance in October (or November).

On July 13th we learned that Pip will most likely (98% chance) need heart surgery when he/she is born. It was a lot for both Jeremy and Ellie to take in, even though it is (we think) the exact same thing that Ellie had 28 years ago when she was born.
For those of you interested, it is called Total Anomalous Pulmonary Intervenous Return.

After some time to process and some thinking, it is a good thing to know ahead of time when we can control where labor and delivery will take place as well as prepare ourselves for this to happen, unlike my parents when they were ready to take me home and then weren't allowed to but instead had to rush to a different hospital.

Previous to getting pregnant, Ellie went through various tests to be sure her body could handle being pregnant. There weren't any issues, and during that time they also told us it was a 5% chance that a baby would have any heart problems that Ellie had. Obviously, either they don't really know or we fell into that 5% and this must be hereditary, which we didn't know before.

We still have a lot of questions that we hope to get answered when we go back to the U of M/Children's on August 22nd for another fetal heart echo and who knows what other tests ;)
As long as Pip stays inside Ellie, and continues to grow, the better off he or she will be when they are born and need heart surgery.

Since there isn't much we can do right now besides wait and try not to worry, any prayers are welcome :)