Wednesday, November 7, 2012

It's a waiting game...

Now that we are upstairs, or on the 'floor' as they call it here at the hospital, it feels great to be one step closer to home, yet it feels like not a lot happens around here most of the time. When we moved upstairs, Weston was given two jobs before we will be allowed to go home:
1. Wean oxygen
2. Work on feedings

As for number 1, Weston is doing really well. He was down to 1/32 of a liter of oxygen going into his nose and was off and on that since we came up stairs. It has been almost 24 hours since he has had any oxygen and his levels are staying in the 90% range. (They want him above 92%, yet a resident said that this amount of oxygen is so small "it wouldn't keep us here".)

Number 2 is a much slower process, which is hard to understand because it is something we will continue to work on even when we are allowed to go home. Weston has been switched to every 3 hour feedings which means Ellie nurses or we bottle, then we give him the rest through his feeding tube in his nose. They want him to be eating 55 ml every 3 hours at this point (but still have enough of a break in between to actually get hungry enough to eat!). In order to do our best job estimating how much he is getting from Ellie, she has to weigh him with a clean diaper, then feed him, then weigh him again and do the math (in kilograms) to figure out how much he is eating. This isn't an exact science, which is another reason it is difficult and can be frustrating. He is eating around 30-35 ml from Ellie, from what we can tell, so we just hope that number keeps going up as he becomes more coordinated and has more practice. Weston and Ellie will continue to work on this...but would love to hear of an approximate time to go home, especially when the nurses even ask if it has been talked about! Maybe when they come by for rounds soon, who knows...

Here is a picture of Weston this morning, sleeping away so I can type this ;)

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