Sunday should be restful, right? Weston took that seriously and had another laid back day of resting and recuperating. He is doing very well and is definitely slowly getting rid of all that extra fluid. We took a picture yesterday and today and once we compared the two, there is a HUGE difference in his face, which is awesome! The goal is to hopefully extubate (take out some of the tubes!!) tomorrow. We'll let you know if that actually happens or not.

Weston received a 'bath' today which both Mommy and Daddy helped the nurse with, around all the tubes. After his bath, the nurse prepped Weston to be held. Mama got to hold Weston for almost 2 hours! There are still a lot of tubes so Mama just sat while the 2-3 nurses helped place Weston in her lap and then helped pick him back up again. It felt wonderful to be able to hold him again. Hoping we get to do that cuddling again tomorrow.
Keep praying that Weston continues down this path that he has begun to get the fluids out, to get better, and to get rid of the tubes!
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