Thursday, January 10, 2013

Back to work...

After an amazing 11 weeks off, 6 actually at home with Weston, Ellie had to go back to work last week. It has been a hectic house since! We are figuring out the morning routine of going to daycare (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday), being home with MorMor on Wednesdays, and home with Daddy on Fridays. Thankfully the first week back was only 3 days but it has made this 5 day week much harder.

Weston seems to enjoy daycare. He watches the other kids play and then gets so overwhelmed he sleeps for 4 hours! As long as he keeps sleeping at night, that's fine with us.

Weston is a great sleeper. Typically he only wakes up once a night so we can't really complain, even when it is twice sometimes ;)

Weston is growing and growing! According to Ellie's calculations he weighs approximately 12 pounds! We don't go back to any doctor until February (Pediatrician or Cardiologist) so we'll see what that official weight is then, but for now it sounds like a lot!

We are almost 3 months old (we are 12 weeks) so we will hopefully post a new picture similar to this next week, but here is his 2 month picture. What a happy boy!